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December 21 2012

Cold early evening. The winds finally died down. Leaves are blown n2 symmetrical patterns near buildings. Tree branches r down. I did some stuff this morning, preparing an interpretive trail, I have good Rebel Tree Care lined up4 after Christmas. I rode my mountain bike three days in a row, 2day was a rough ride from Razorback Recycling north of Hardy2 my home in Highland. I dogged it in, It will be a while b4 I get my legs back. But I will.

    I sold the old Ford van 4 scrap. It was an easy five hundred, and continues my plan of simplification and minimization. It was a good old van, a work horse, but the motor burned oil, I have three other vehicles and a chipper and trailer2 keep maintained, it was time2 make a move and cut some losses.

    Another good old family Christmas 2moro with more great nieces. I have great great nieces. Poise and intelligence aplomb. I’m taking my mom, we plan2 stop off @ Army surplus and get gifts. I know the owner, a viet nam vet, I like2 buy all my stuff from local shops like that, or if I’m in the money, get everybody something from Graceland or Beale Street. I’m not in the money right now, I used2 spend December in Memphis, but I’m just not2 keen on working out of town anymore. Like the song says, “stand in the place that u live.”

    Willow and I huddled 2gether last night in case the Mayans were right. I guess not.

    The NRA slipped off the sanity cliff 2day. It was expected that they were going2 come out and support Obama and others on the assault weapon ban. But they went the other way, calling 4 all schools, teachers and students2 carry guns. “Every frat kegger should have an armed guard on the beer funnel,” claimed a wild eyed Texas Republican. “Every kindergarten teacher should have a cocked and loaded nine mill with a hair trigger,” shouted a heavily made up blonde activist. The president of the NRA called4 armed guards in all schools, not a joke, but the anti Obama, get the government out of our lives Republican expects the Federal Government2 implement, finance and regulate this militant operation.

    It’s kind of like the replacement refs. There r still bungled calls. If armed guards r placed in schools, then in the typical well planned massacre, the armed guard will be the first 2 b capped. In Texas Rick Perry demanded metal detectors be taken down @ rap concerts. “ A well armed audience will keep violence down. Every drunk @ a bar should be packing, every mall shopper should carry a semi auto @ least. In Jet airplanes all passengers must be armed, except anyone vaguely foreign looking. The only place where guns will not be allowed is @ my public appearances.”

     Pat Robertson and his minions@ CBN called4 all citizens2 arm themselves, except Muslims. “A muslim with a gun shall be cleaved in twain with a copper scythe. Only white citizens shall carry guns. Black and mulatto, mustee, and musteezo, high yella’s, may carry only bamboo “kendo” sticks 4 defense and hunting. This is the Lord God’s Holy decree, in the white Jesus name we beg4 and shamelessly press4 donations. The solid gold bathroom fixtures are tarnished. We are running short of tiger penis stew, and the cost of red glitter carpet is off the charts yo. War. Out.”

 December 20 2012

Thunder storms this wee hour. Soft rain bursts, rolling thunder, moderate lightning, winds continue. Nice. All is well in Highland. And beyond. I am serene, I will know happiness, I do not fear the end. I will cruise n2 my golden years content. U can not stop the black dog, u can only hope2 contain him. The paint horse4 the mule headed fool. Gold standard beat down, Up with commodities and numbers, rackets and courts back lit tastefully, security fencing stolen services, goods gone bad,  fiscal cliff walls and debt ceiling, basement tapes, garage bands of orange sky, blue streaks talking recycled trash, junk value4 treasure hunting safety tape, demos never heard, glass smashed, shattered mirrors trickling down, smoke on the water, personal mister, lime hot towels steaming, Cloud forest burning, bulldozed and drained, embers like lava popping, hissing, spitting, assaulting police peaceably assembled.

            Now serious boomers near above. Hard sheets of rain. Slowly settling quiet and distant, steady fall of drops now signals decent amount as saturation should occur soon. Surface anyway, I hear there is a big snow storm, they name them now like hurricanes, winter storm Gladys, soft rain Myrtle, cloudy day Heidi. Heidi Klume went topless on a beach somewhere. Yahoo trended @ a gazillion gawkers on images. I headed that way, but ended up looking @ Anna Kournikova’s ass

            Relentless winds. Gusts sweeping the trees. Leaves left on will be stripped. Consistent winds strafing, roaring. My chimes ring crazy..

December 19 2012

Cool morning. Level and plum. Planning a bike ride. Getn back n2 it. The inner tube conspiracy kept me off the bike most of this year. But yesterday in Jonesboro I located some. Now if they will last4 a couple rides I will be back. Able and willing2 traverse the steep slopes all day like I always have. I like it cold. I’m thinking about putting an ad in the paper. TIRED OF FAKE TREE SERVICE? REBEL TREE CARE. THE REAL DEAL. Alan Williams---Residential Arborist---twenty four years in the area.

            Of course I would put my phone number, 870-751-0328. With this annotation—no solicitation. And my web site.

            I’ll put this in the Villager soon.

            Now I must ride.

December 17 2012

Four days left till the end of the world. I guess I’ll eat that cheeseburger. The news is still all about the Sandy Hook murders. I mean absolutely no other news. Makes me think the corporate media is turning a blind eye2 something. It’s all about gun control now. Bigwigs who4 years have fought underhandedly against gun control, belittled gun control activists now spout ancient axioms like they just invented them. 4 instance, “I don’t know any one who needs a fifty round clip4 hunting.” Charleton Heston insisted he needed a light anti tank weapon4 squirrel hunting, he held a massive rally@ in the Sandy Hook parking lot. “And God said,” he spoke in flowing Hebrew robe, “thou shalt own a fifty caliber.” He slammed his wooden staff2 the ground, “and thou shalt use it!”

            Long day clearing a lot. It’s getting pretty though. I finished the day strong with piddling and maintenance. I have a spacious, roomy shop after a year or two of not being able2 move in it. I have spares tires and working headlights. I can move around efficient and quick, tools in order, canoe stuff ready.

            I’m thinking hit Current River again January 1. If the world doesn’t end. Stay out on the Black River a week. Current River Beach2 Elgin. Sweet. Great way2 start the new year. Let’s c this year I hit Southfork, Strawberry, Eleven Point, Spring and Current on Multi day camp and canoe floats. I hope2 do the Buffalo, White, and Upper Current, and Jack’s Fork, and the aforementioned streams.  Maybe head2 Mardi Gras in New Orleans some day.

December 15 2012

Six days till Armageddon. How will it happen? Did the Mayans 4c a comet coming round the bend that modern day equipment doesn’t know about? Do they know of a wobble about2 happen in the earth’s axis causing it2 tilt and make us all fall down? Did they predict Danny Bonaduce as the Anti Christ? Can they somehow predict an earthquake, tidal wave, superstorm, disease, or solar flares? Did they c the looming fiscal cliff and predict John Boner as the asshole of the millennium? Or maybe the guy chiseling the calendar into stone dropped his hammer and never got back @ it.

Dogs bark. Gloomy Saturday morning. I am well rested, I put on my raspberry poet’s shirt and vanilla bell bottoms last night, hitting the town. I dropped by Creekside Loft2 make the scene, hit a cool little kids party. I’m good with kids. Until I get a head ache.

            I may miss BAD BRAD 2nite. I am going 2 c my Willow. That will be one of the best parties of the year though I’ll wager.

            I was really tired after trimming almost a dozen trees yesterday on the steep ass Lake Thunderbird slope. But that’s all good. Eddy was really beat. The clean up man always has2 make more trips than the climber. It was rough. @ least it was coldish, summer can be brutal in that situation. We’re  not as young as we used 2 b lol.

            F we get warmish winter weather I plan2 hit the Current and Black Rivers for many days. Soak it in. Dig it. I invented a new system where u drive 4 poles into the sand or dirt and hang your canoe on it upside down. Throw a tarp over and you got a strong, compact shelter. No worries from frost and dew, rain, sleet, hail, etc. Just four light weight poles and some Vienna sausage cans. You do need a hammer or rock2 drive the posts, and actually that can be a problem, I don’t carry a hammer, and on the sandier streams large stones may not be readily available.

            So life rocks. Control the adrenalin. Release it in small gasps. Look people in the eye. Shake their hands firmly. Shoot straight and hit hard. Go2 Wal Mart.

 December 14 2012

Weird day. Twenty grade school kids dead, shot @ school. Many others and adults shot also.

         I am just gripped in this strange sudden adrenalin. I mean I was up n2 eight or nine large trees this morning on Lake Thunderbird. Proper pruning all around. Most other tree services r straight up posers.

        The steep hillside proved a rough cleanup, we were slightly soft, like this was a Monday or something. But the jobs went well. L8 lunch @ Lakeview got us pepped up again. My mother demanding, my Willow evasive. Bonny overbearing. Twenty dead. @ least.

        2 nite it’s GRAY blues@ Creekside Loft. Then Saturday it’s BAD BRAD @ Copper Freather. Samantha’s birthday. Celebrating six years of partying @ Copper Feather. 2moro is her 21st birthday. Yo yo Sammy Jo.

        I heard they may put up a stripper pole. This’ll b like when Cuba ousted Batista. In some ways I bet they want2 open up2 America, But I can c why not, I‘m sure we won’t lift the embargo unless we get hefty corporate profit @ the expense of our and Cuba’s poor.

        I may scrap the old van. I had it weighed. It’s worth five hundred in scrap. I love the old girl, she still runs down the road like a top, worthy of many a camp and good time. I would rather a salvage buddy take it, use the good transmission and rear end. But I got2 make some moves. Cut back, Cut down. Cut quicker. Cut harder. Like in football, u don’t run a banana pattern, U drive hard, cut hard.     

Wrapped up in knots. Need a beer yo. Lol.

I dunno. I think I gotta go. Peace.

December 3 2012

Greetings from Current River. Eagles and Kingfishers, crows, buzzards, loons, blue jays, blue herons. Turtles sunned themselves this l8 fall day. Big wind and white caps beat us on this spacious river. Cliffs haunted by Shawnee seers less prominent each mile. We caught a few bluegill, 2moro will bring bigger and more..

         We set high on an island gravel bar. Warm breezes getting just a little chilly this late night. We had a jam, harmonica and guitar.

         Current murmurs and seethes.

         Nice homes line banks here south of Doniphan Missouri, near the state line. We have ample time2 make Pocahotas Arkansas.

         Big news. LALA sings the national anthem @ the ESPN televised Razorback basketball games this week! Go LALA.

         I feel a smattering of rain and I’m not prepared. Gotta go.

December 4 2012

         Mighty Current gurgles as our fire pops. Rain kicked in @ dawn. The scramble2 stay dry and warm controls this l8 evening. Bonny freaked when we saw Llamas. As the rain pelting day we cruised swiftly on2 camp. We crossed n2 Arkansas l8 this afternoon on the long haul2 Pocahontas. By then we will have had enuff of lower Current.

         I look 4ward2 selling tree jobs back in Jerkyville. We havc seen many high dollar homes, bad tree work @ each it seems.

December 5 2012

Beautiful morning on Current River. Broken clouds, fish jumping. We almost landed a good sized Walleye. Must b duck season, blasting continues since daylight. Bonny sits by the fire, diligent, fallible watch dog. Still trying2 dry out from Tues. @ least last night was a little warmer. Yesterday morning was heavy frost.

         We’re on a steep embankment of heavy sand. Hard 45 degree angle. We r immersed in inner sha. Ruffn it. Tuning n2 wild vibrations. 2 bad we r cutting it short soon.

December 7 2012

Dogs bark in distance this quiet Highland night. A sense of well being, of purpose. I am in a good place. What a week on Current River. We started way up in Doniphan Missouri, the National Scenic River leaves the Mark Twain National Forest in that area, sliding between successively smaller cliffs until finally @ the Arkansas line it settles into flat delta forest and cropland. A train switching station can be heard in the area @ night 4 dozens of miles. @ first I thought it was a jumbo jet had made an emergency landing in Walnut Ridge, then I thought it was the train bridge in Pocahontas, our original destination. We found out it was a train yard.

            We were on a steep sandy slope of thick pure sand, campng @ a forty five degree angle. It’s tricky after a few imported beers. We dined on Crappie and blue gill, fishing hard4 Walleye or bass. Gar leapt around us constantly it seemed. Hundreds of buzzards watched us from a bare forest @ one point. Many eagles, bald eagles, osprey, kingfisher, glue heron… Turtles sunned, mosquitos just a couple tried us last night. Geese gaggled and quacked amongst them selves constantly above. A big owl boomed late one stray ducks allowed trespass, coyotes rock stars yowled partying not far over the stream from island camps.afternoon. Beaver tails smacked near camp @ night, Beaver chewings littered shorelines and flood slopes. Otter slides showed, fat raccoon waddled a side creek. Deer showed shite flags on wooded slope, fat turkey took calculated zig zag.

            Faced already with hours of hard rain and cold nights, we powered through long stretches of wild water, setting or breaking camp, fishing or singing. PHILLIP brought his guitar, I did a little harmonica. We both sang loud. Our camp usually had clothes drying from willow shrubs I think they were,  I kind of lost my bearings and pulled the plug on the original plan, so we bailed @ Current River Beach. We’ll start there next time though, I want2 go from there2 NewPort. That’s Right. A long ass way. I figuring a week of paddling bliss if you like2 paddle. If u like2 b paddled though, it could take much longer.

            After a couple days I started feally inner sha. I tuned in, even though I still wasn’t catching fish, rhythm of the river began2 permeate me. I flowed with current, stood with purpose. I now eat Doritos and watch DVD’s or cable, turn on all the lights, burn plenty of gas. I watch of turmoil, Syrian refugees struggle in beach shoes as a muddy winter approaches. Obama and the DEA now plan2 challenge the new recreational marijuana laws allowed by voters in many states. They will use gas on peaceful protestors marching without fear as allowed in our constitution. They will be illegally searched, illegally seized. The Mayan calendar will soon expire. The apocalypse begins in three weeks. Just in time 4 Christmas Eve shoppers2 get last minute deals on duct tape.```         

            LALA sang the National Anthem @ the Razorbacks Game! Two different times. Both games were on ESPN. I don’t know if she got face time on the World wide sports channel, but still, that’s a big deal. Her and MIKE rocked a club there the Wednesday in between games. Go GRAY, journal veterans, GO GRAY!

            Bonny is sure glad2 b back. She barely patrolled the property and checked up on things b4 curling up tight near the fire. She had quite a day in the rain tues, clowns like a circus act fetching a stick in celebration of a sandy beach. She’s not razor sharp, we taught her2 lie by the fire2 warm up, and is a great watch dog when not snoring or wimpering in dreamtime. Bonny Bell is a good companion.

            I already have everything cleaned up and packing away4 the next trip. We will do the upper Current next spring. I plan on doing the rest of the lower and much of the lower Black sometime this winter if a mild spell is predicted with any certainty.

            I need2 sell work. I plan2 barn storm Cherokee Village 2 moro. I may put up my banner. Did You Know there are Codes and Standards for Tree Service? I will ride my bike, take the truck, choot the chit with firewood sellers. I will get in shape while spreading the word of proper pruning. Not everyone has the internet.

December 2 2012

Warm and normal. I like my women like I like my laundry. Over all I am normal, believe it or not. Get past the Action Hero Sex God persona that I project. Music is sexy. And I am set2 make music this evening. EROSION  will be in house. Last night THE MIKE GRAY BAND rocked the feather. A rollicking good night of dancing. LAUREN showed, and sat in not one but2 sets. That was sweet, she worked the room mugging and dancing, hanging out. LEE mugged with her on bass, drummer JOHN BROWN always hated me. For what, I don’t know. But every time dat I plant a seed, he said kill it b4 it grow. He say kill it b4 if grow. Last night BRUCE  popped in, and romping night of MIKE GRAY originals ensued. All my beeatches were jumpin/ I danced most songs with quite an array of ladies. Or by myself. Even though I had a good mojo on pool and won a few games I abandoned the pool table2 b closer2 the band. Quite a night in Cherokee Village.

            I don’t want2 jinx this but in 24 hours I should be on Current River looking4 a place2 pull my canoe over and camp. I’m having dreams about rivers and jumping off cliffs and grabbing submerged canoes. It’s  weird.  But I need2 do this. My soul needs a river. I may shorten the trip just2 enjoy more. I don’t know if it’s bushy and narrow or plenty of sand bars or what. I know the Current River Beach north of Pocahontas Arkansas, Mercy Beach in the day, is a super sandy perfect. I need 2 put frisbee back on the checklist. Having a partner, even a male, will be good in some ways. He likes2 sing strong, I need2 learn Cumbersome on my harmonica. This will be my Harmonica. But I will not share it, 4 germaphobe reasons. I am the the soulful artist that is also a germaphobe. I am a man of the people, as long as those people don’t play my harmonica. They can play my bass, I encourage others 2 try my bass. I regularly hand it2 unsuspecting partiers. I figure they wont hurt it as bad as I do. I play it hard. EROSION rocks. U can critique our talent level or brag loudly about knowing a guitarist that would make us a good band, But if there is one thing u will take away after the show is that oddly, u feel good and rocked.

            I’m wondering about the trip. Multi day canoe trips are a catharsis. I’ve done very few until this year, journal veterans will recall fondly my roughly translated notes from my trips. I’ve done most of Strawberry, Most or all of Eleven Point, Much of Southfork, Most or all of Spring. There could be time when the water is up that we do Warm Fork through Thayer Missouri into the Spring @ Mammoth Spring, Upper Current is Virgin2 me, I must know the upper Current. But @ least I’m pretty sure2 do the lower very soon. I’m all excited. Makes me want2 grab my map and study it. With a looking glass lol. I hope I don’t need water proof gloves and socks. Close 2 freezing might require that, but it’s not supposed 2 get that cold even @ night, all week. Bingo.

            When I get back I may ride Cherokee Village and sell work. I frown on door knocking, but when work is slow it’s  a good way2 get a snowball rolling. @ least I’m not out there presenting a bait a switch like most tree services. I provide a competent residential arborist, me, and standard tree service. As opposed 2 sub standard, or non standard. I put in writing that I am compliant with ANSI A300 Tree Pruning Standard. Thousands of communities and organizations world wide have adopted this standard as ordnance or law. I have been adhering2 this standard since b4 it was created in 1993.

            I want2 float Southfork from Missouri when it gets back up. That will rock.

December 1 2012

Blustery Saturday afternoon. The Ides of December. I’ve had a really nice couple of days doing tree jobs. First it was a huge dead elm on Spring River. I got that one down no damage, harassed my hot little helper as I do, but this time we got it on. It was Willow!

            Then 2day, a tall dead oak over a fence and wellhouse, rigging and instinct got that one down safely. A dead mimosa had been butchered by the power company 4 little reason and promptly died. The sprawling, stiff bitch diced up nice. The  homeowner will miss the gracious habit of the tree, the sweet shade by a trickling brook, and the nice flowers in early summer. Then a red over the house had storm damage way up. I climbed up2 near thirty feet, spikeless of course. I would have had2 climb further, but I had me trusty pole saw, journal veterans remember that one, the one the others don’t have the balls or stamina2 use and it shows every single tree they do? Soon I was land bound4 the day with money in my pocket and a truck that runs well. I am well off, deeply satisfied and content. I am Alan Williams, qualified working arborist where no others exist. It’s like entering the orgy with a twelve inch penis.

            Obama and WrongKnee had lunch. “Try this stew,” said Obama, “it’s from bone marrow of poor people.” “Try this soup,” said WrongKnee, “it’s from one of the last tiger penises on the planet.”

            I was trying2 remember the famous people I have shaken hands with. Lorne Greene, popularly known as Ben Cartwright, he was on a horse in the state fair, rode up and shook my and my brother Rodney’s hands. Dale Bumpers, democratic senator, head of the powerful ways and means committee in wathington4 many years, I shook his hand as a small child @ a rally, then again @ Tanglewood Safeway in Little rock circa the eighties. AUSTIN of HINDER. I was backstage and on the bus @ Riverfest in Little rock. U.S. Reed, famous Razorback basketballer. Two days after he calmly hit a half court jumper @ the buzzer2 defeat defending national champion Louisville in the NCAA tourney, I shook his hand @ Macdonald’s in Fayetteville. I also ended up guarding him in pickup games many years later. I have had brushes with famous people, John Calipari of Memphis and Kentucky basketball coaching fame. Terry Wood, popular weatherman@ region 8 many years, Craig O’neal, famous DJ from Arkansas that appeared on the 2nite show w Johnny Carson. Actually sat down with Johnny. There may have been more, I met SWITCHFOOT. Oh yeh, my niece LAUREN GRAY

     THE MIKE GRAY BAND prolly plays@ Copper Feather last night and 2nite. I may make the scene. THE MIKE GRAY BAND  is as good as it gets in this part of the United States. 9 till 1 and beyond. Don’t 4get2 tip ur waitress. Don’t tip CHAD.

November 28 2012

Quiet night in Highland. 2moro the rebels play4 a trip2 War Memorial stadium in Little rock4 the State Championship. Make that Friday. I have a big job then a hot date. I plan2 sexually harass my helper! Lol! It’s willow!

     I have a spacious and roomy shop now. An orderly and efficient house.

     Rebel River Adventures. Totally packed4 a multi day trip on a river. Also working with Rocky of Spring river Valley2 strengthen and reinforce each and every purple people eater.

     The confidence factor is up. The arrogance factor, however, is also up. Two hundred thousand marched in Egypt 2 tell the new president2 booger off. France votes2 support Palestine. Congo Rebels make a huge list of crazy demands so that they can be found insane when caught. Arafat exhumed4 D NA analysis. 2 c if he killed Nicole Simpson. Chinese officials think The Onion’s parody of  Kim Jong as the sexiest man alive is real. A radiation shelter is finally built @ Chernobyl. The nuclear catastrophe site from. 1986. Those guys don’t mess around. They get it done. Columbian rebels upbeat on talks. Way upbeat. Nose bleed upbeat. Syrian jets strike Olive oil factory, killing 20 civilians. Way2 go Syria. Evil olive oil is enabling the godless2 live longer and healthier. Diagram linked2 Iran suggest work on A NUKE. It was scribbled on a napkin @ starbucks. If actually a bomb it would be bigger than Hiroshima. Mitch McConnel held a News Conference, “while this black president gallivants around campaigning and what not, America is endanger of losing our title as the biggest mass bombers of all time. We cannot lose the title2 I Freakin Ran.? FLOCK OF SEAGULLS  sux yo. Catch me on twitter bitches. War. Out.”

November 23 2012

Bright windy morning. Beautiful. Last night we got a  ltttle rain4 much of the evening. Turkey helpings and fixins combined with rain drops on the roof put me2 sleep yo. All is well in Highland. 2nite the rebels continue the march2 the state championship. Heber Springs comes2 town. I believe if Highland wins they will soon play in War Memorial Stadium in Little Rock.

            A front has blown through, but hasn’t dropped the temps much. The chumps r out with cheesy pruning on red oaks. I am lining up large jobs 4 later in the year when the time is right4 trimming red oaks. 2 me bucket truck says inept. Bucket trucks were designed 4 utility work, most companies that use them don’t know or care about ANSI standard. I care. I am Alan Williams of Rebel Tree Care.

November 22 2012

Bright morning. Nice day again. Barefoot @ dawn outside. Northerners can’t say that. I am a southerner. Barely. Missouri is barely north. But we passed alcohol sales here in Sharp County. So many of us will make the trip2 Missouri far less. Our carbon footprint will be reduced. But out livers will be enlarged. Protruding. We will be shakier, splotchier, sloppier, staggering… But we will be laughing, not shy, meeting people, breaking the ice. Pregnant, blacking out, apprehensive…Highland should make recreational weed ok. But only @ the school.

            2day will be a good old fashioned family Thanksgiving. It will so rock. I am prime4 this. I will eat much. We do it right yo. I am thankful… Always, well most times. Health. Freedom. I am in a good place.

            I will talk rivers with my uncles. Play with nieces and nephews, cousins. Much of my family is from Bono Arkansas. A guy there, I 4get his name right now, wrote a book on building canoes and traveling rivers. Nice.

            I am repairing canoes Friday. Reinforcing my plastic buffaloes. I work with Spring River Valley. I may guide their people home if we can work something out. I already round a lot of them up. When it’s getting dark and u been @ Howard’s 2 long u gotta really go, not shoot the chit @ Many Islands2 long, not complain 2 everybody on the river that u r tired. Hit the railroad tracks. Walk. Keep walking. Blah blah. Inner Sha comes in handy in times of duress. When u r really stressed, relax. Enjoy your last few minutes on the water, even if it’s dark. Relax. I get it.

It's not like computers. In computers, nothing can go

 I am repairing canoes Friday. Reinforcing my plastic buffaloes. I work with Spring River Valley. I may guide their people home if we can work something out. I already round a lot of them up. When it’s getting dark and u been @ Howard’s 2 long u gotta really go, not shoot the chit @ Many Islands2 long, not complain 2 everybody on the river that u r tired. Hit the railroad tracks. Walk. Keep walking. Blah blah. Inner Sha comes in handy in times of duress. When u r really stressed, relax. Enjoy your last few minutes on the water, even if it’s dark. Relax. I get it.

November 21 2012

Quiet night. Serenity rules. That is the important thing. Serenity now. Serenity 4ever. The riverbank. Serenity is found on the river bank. Except @ Howard’s on Saturdays. Fish don’t get thirsty. But u gotta feed the dog. The black dog.

            So Obama get’s the win, WrongKnee Jerk Reaction blamed on people wanting free stuff from the government. “Only Billionaires get free gifts from the government. Sure we give the Oil Industry trillions in incentives, but they don’t want anything from the government. We just happen2 give them huge cash payments and keep hemp illegal. I intend2 keep right on running4 president just as I have4 sixteen years. I won’t stop until every horse has an elevator, the price of condoms triples, and abortion is forced back into the basement where it belongs. Monopoly and inequity r a way of life4 the upper class, and that’s the way it ought2 b. I am pro family, in fact I’m set2 marry three teenage cousins next month in a secret ceremony. But the sun will come up soon, I must get into my casket now. I’ll tweet yo.”

            Glenn Beck preached of the apocalypse coming. His one listener in a western state called up and told him2 get a different spiel. Repoblicans lamented the huge turnout of voters, one calling it, “lines of idiots wanting free stuff.”

            This weather has a river sighing my name. When MIKE and LALA get back from their tour of the coast I may take off a while. Put in @ Doniphan Missouri on the Current river,  put out @ Elgin Arkansas on the Black River one week later.

            I’m pretty 2 gether right now. My shop orderly, my house fairly clean, areas freshly painted. I need2 finish out some stuff4 my mother, bear down on the grounds, hide stuff away out back, weed eat and arrange. Prepare. Maintain. I have flats and lights2 fix, firewood2 cut and stack. I don’t burn leaves on principle, I believe it is bad4 the earth and trees2 do so. Stripping the root zone of leaves and burning them is a disruption of the natural process. Disruption of natural processes can cause stress and strain on biological systems of trees. Scoffers go2 hell.

November 19 2012

Sweet late day in Highland. Leyla on the radio. I’ve been painting and remodeling. Getting ready4 a Panadox party of some sort. And I want2 go fishing without thinking I should be doing some chore or this or that. I’m so close2 getting it 2gether. A paint job and orgasmizing is important. I get mine. Not very often. But I do claim a piece every now and then.

            I want2 smash cupcakes. With a paddle. Heres the setup. I have a friend who watches nonstop sports interview me, implying that I am over rated, that all of my opponents are cupcakes. We will argue the point quite a while in a dark room, until finally, cut2 bright sunshine a pretty cupcake sits on a log. Smash. Attack of the long hair paddler man.

            Creeks are back down. We are still in drought. That’s’ why I want2 do lower Current, all the way2 Elgin Arkansas. Officially it’s Black River from Pocahontas area on down, but it’s still the Current I’ll wager. Doniphan2 Elgin. I’m sure it’s been done, but not often by canoe.

            The ten day forecast shows it warm4 late fall. Above freezing @ night. Clear. No mosquitos I figure this late in the year. They may pop up on a warm day. We’ll c. I have foodstuffs4 close2 a week, barring catastrophe. I think another person may go, 2bad it’s not a chick. If I could teach Bonny2 fetch firewood that would rock. Or drag brush on a tree job. That would get her a steak every now and then.

            Hurricane Sandy wreaked havoc on the upper Atlantic seaboard. Some are still without Power. Donald Trump claimed he suffered hardship, filled out forms requesting government aid. He claimed it would take over one thousand dollars2 repair his hair.

November 13 2012

 Quiet cool night in Highland. Bonny restless, fire popping. Sweet rest and serenity. 2day was a nice bright frosty morning, we removed a big white oak with root destruction by a house, a cracked and leaning post oak, meanwhile getting many storm hangers and dangling participles up high in numerous red oaks. Or dangling chads. Big news, Texas is opting out of the United States because Obama won. Churches all across the U.S. are lamenting the evil liberals, wishing the republicans won so we could save fetuses unless they are foreigners in oil rich countries.

            I went4 a mountain bike ride 2 day. A short1. Hoping2 get back in shape this winter. Gearing up4 a multi day canoe trip, just don’t know yet, watching the weather, monitoring and weighing options and circumstances. I need a woman2 go. That would be nice. In some ways. Others maybe not. Better than a man in almost every way. Lighter. Can b used4 sex. U can share body warmth. They always have cigarettes. Always have a bobby pin. Tampons can be used 4 serious injury.

Take a close look@ this smallish example of honey locust we dealt with last week. Poor Christ. The Cherokee used this tree 4 the sweet sap.

November 11 2012

Rain. Rolling thunder boomers. Dog in the house day. This weekend was a couple of sweet nights of Rock with my boys BADD MOJO. But the Juju was right all the long two nights. I danced with many women, many songs. I shot decent pool, made the scene with all the posers. I had to pull rank some, I don’t suffer geeking braggarts long. I am old, this is my home town, I sense disrespect in tone and manner and confront it. That is all it takes usually.

            BADD MOJO is an exciting band. Each song is  screaming guitar. They joined EROSION twice4 after show parties.

            This rain is quiet and soothing. I must unlax now, look2 next week, I have a job4 2moro but this rain may push that back a little. Big oak by a house. Yadda Yadda.

            MIKE and LALA have big doings  going on. They r back from Hollyweird I think, and preparing4 a tour of the Gulf Coast in Florida. I believe she has signed a contract I hear, and some other stuff concerning upcoming sweet gigs. Go GRAY, my friends, Go GRAY.

            So much inside me. I must b strong, disciplined. I must channel the whirlwind inside, contain it in a bottle deep my gut, slowly untightening a little 2 seethe and breathe, listen, cultivate serenity. There is no substitute: sex, status, power, chocolate, sloth, all pale2 strength, stamina, endurance…

            I am close2 getting my home remodeling done. And my shop will be cleaned up finally soon.

            I saw an awesome shooting star Saturday night. Big and thick as my car alarm flashed2. Uh oh. The end of the Mayan calendar is begun. Flee now children, run those cards2 the limit. Get that hooker u always wanted.

            Sometimes I think the whole sulfur thing in the bible is Oil industry related. And the many headed beast. Eisenhower warned of Military Industrial Complex taking over us all. In one draft of the speech it was the Congressional Military Industrial Complex. Fascism 101, put all pot smokers in jail, make sure Hemp is never used, grown, sold, or spoken of ever again. The big dogs. The minimum wage job creators.

            Hemp based diesel fuel uses no sulfur, far less pollutants. Paper made from Hemp needs no bleach or glue, highly toxic and questionable industries needed only because our paper is made from wood fiber which needs these heavily polluting substances2 bind4 paper. Hemp also cleans the air through photosynthesis its entire growing season. And needs no chemical herbicide or pesticide like cotton. Does not deplete the soil like cotton, actually the roots break up the soil 4 future crops. Hemp needs little water unlike most industrial crops. Hemp growing in rows adjacent rivers in fields now used4 hay or cattle would replace a heavily polluting situation with a buffering impact, each field of hemp would filter run off,

            But huge banks were not about2 let “the savior of the family farm,” save family farms. Foreclosure fees alone would deal drastic cuts2 a bank, Proper distribution of wealth would have resulted had hemp not been made a federal crime. But the corporate raiders took all the family farms. The savior was now a feared memory, loathed by any God fearing American. Drive your big car smoking in a white shirt. Mow your lawn. Squares and posers, pretenders and fakers, we are bullies and bloody dung covered drunks, and here comes the rest of the world.

    We are a force4 good profits@ any and all tactics. We are Americans first, Christian second, human last. We will have orgasms in fancy polluting carriages on cobble stone streets made of skulls. Fat and fierce we will trample skinny protestors with our loads of pork barrels. Hunger must wait, the party is now.

September 8 2012

Bright sunshine this morning as I plan2 conquer. Life is grand knowing I will not b facing honey locust this morning. Instead of Here Comes Honey Booboo I will do a reality show called Here Comes Honey Locust. Or a surreal fantasy/nightmare segment where u are trapped In an impenetrable thicket of  huge thorns and u have2 squirm ur way out like those contortionist sequences where they go under and around the laser beams2 steal a jewel or something. Instead of triggering the alarm u get stabbed.

            Blue Jays sound. They are getting stupid. Time4 mister thunder shick2 bark fire.

            I must bear down on piddling. I must piddle with vehemence. So I can kick it better. LALA and MIKE r off2 Hollyweird2 shoot a video. Then they tour the Gulf coast many days. Exciting.

            I have home improvement projects2 do, that’s putting it mildly. I have laundry and vehicle maintenance2 do. Errands2 run. Soon I will do all these things.

November 7 2012

 Dark thirty. Came early 2day now that daylight saving time is kicked in. Another prickly day among honey locust. We got the job done though. A rough one. Some of those thorns were close2 a foot long. Heavy clusters up and down the trunk and spaced down the branches. I suffered a tiny prick, and it takes a man2 admit that. The needle sharp eight inch purple thorn slid easily through my thick leather glove and quickly sunk2 the bone of my left index finger. It is still stiff and painful two days later. I’ve got a pic I may show u. I mean just getting 2 the trunk of the tree2 make a felling cut was a dangerous ordeal. But now it is done4 a while.

            At least now, doing it the old fashioned way instead of bulldozing, u still have beautiful islands and alcoves of native trees and shrubs. This helps wildlife big time.

            Obama has a job. He eaked out a win without mentioning hemp. By the way medical marijuana in Arkansas lost. The fascists win again. Alcohol wins here in Sharp county. Marijuana has never, I mean never, caused a death, but alcohol and tobacco are legal. Go figure.

            Again, Spring River sparkled and murmured nearby. Again, my four wheel drive prowled and growled. Now I must regroup, locust is rough on equipment. I must bear down now, hunker down4 the winter. Get real. Become one.

November 6 2012

Quiet night in Highland. Hard ride over4 now. A long day 2day. Removing honey locust. It was meticulous2 say the least. We got a big fire burning hot, and I would drag pieces n2 the ring, this worked4 a while, we got rid of a lot. I can’t understate the hazard, and I’ll try2 remember2 get u a pic, I mean this is called the Jesus Christ tree, thorns range in size up2 ten inches long. Clusters of them all up and down the tree. Scary. Dangerous. But a tiny prick is all I got. It takes a real man2 say that.

            Don’t know the election results. Won’t I guess until the morning. Looked like a dead heat. But leave my sex life out of this. The fascists will rule, rest assured. Or troubled.

            Spring river sparkled and murmured nearby.

November 5 2012

Rain. Soft and true. Like a lover wandering the forest, shrouded in complexity, complicated, moody, inexplicable…Consistent and steady like the love of an arborist2 a smoothly limbed willow, a willow blindly searching, reaching, flowing….

            2moro is dday4 the election. End this crap hopefully. Just yesterday I saw where ninety percent of oil and gas money in Arkansas flows2 Repoblcans. And alternative energy like wind and solar goes2 Dumocrats. Telling. And then on the front page it said that Exxon reaped something like nine billion profit 4 a quarter. Good thing the Repoblicans voted2 keep those subsidies coming. We give the oil companies money they don’t need. We could keep those subsidies and help medicare. Duh. One missile could feed Darfur. Or kill it.

            I am the only registered Green Party voter in Sharp County. I proudly cast my vote4 any Green candidate I saw on the ballot, particularly that one lady that mentioned hemp.

            Now the rain dies. I must check the radar. I have a job taking out honey locust. The tree with big vicious thorns. I have been waiting4 rain so I can burn it safely. This could be the day.

            Now more rain. Strong and sure. Sweet. OoOsh it must b cold out there. I’m snug. I had a fire going all night but I think it’s out now. Maybe the creeks will come up a little. The water spiders dance.

            I like these political ads that really don’t explain anything. Like Save America. Vote republican. Every vote 4 a democrat helps Obama. I’m like yeah, as a good patriot I like the idea of helping my president. Then u got some that don’t acknowledge a party. Like He voted 4 taxes. Save medicare. Vote blah blah. Then u got Linda Collins. That effn bitch gets elected as a democrat from a traditional democrat district, then turn coats over2 repoblican. The ultimate bait and swtch. She found out there is more money on the right, and went wth money. It’s the American way. Her corporate greed masters own her soul now. Featured prominently on the biggest billboard in the county her pretty blonde face says whore2 me now. I thought about putting a Hitler mustache on her…but the secret service would probably do a colonoscopy on me f they found out.

            I don’t watch tv much so I’m not overly agitated by all this. I figure the dumocrats will gain power and millions of Tea Party whackos will bcome disillusioned and buy lots of ammo b4 the neegra takes their guns.

            `The Chamber of Commerce will continue2 launder money4 big pollution. Even if Medical Marijuana passes, without a prescription u will still get gay raped by troopers and your life will  crash down around u, ur family disgraced if u get caught with a shred of pot. If alcohol sales pass the county will have more money, but more problems. Although we will have more DWI and domestic violence, we will have less sheltered closet cases and a well rounded social education. Drinking is mandatory in college. So are electives. It’s breaking the ice 101. It’s called coming out of your shell country ass freshman. Get drunk and be somebody.

            Still the rain comes down. Now it’ll be wet4 sure in the morning, I won’t have2 worry about the fire getting out. Locust burns hot if II remember correct. The Jesus Christ Tree. Those thorns r not2 b trifled with. I have a system using a pole hook so a man can separate the limbs and get them out4 burning or chipping. I may chip some. Cherokee liked honey locust4 the sugar and syrup they got from it. 4 such a sweet sounding name it is a vicious tree though. It will be a long day on Spring River 2moro.

    One last note: 'job creators" own all the empty buildings. All rent, residential and commercial, should be cut in half. Across the board. Muff said


This is Bonny. Look closely. That's right. the bitch has 2 different color eyes yo.

October 31 2012

Boo. Yah. The little demons r out. I used2 hit it hard on this night. Uh oh. I said Hard on. I used2 make out a will on Halloween, cos when KILL the rock star hit the streets no body was safe. But I’ve matured, don’t dress up anymore. I was bad immature back when I did that stuff last year.

            2day we met the power company two drop a couple of lines4 us. The big red oak by a river cabin was hollow, but huge up top and leaning. When I cut the notch I kind of freaked, the walls were paper thin. But it came down safe enough. Then it was way up a hickory by the house, major reductions@ sixty feet or so. Up above a rapid on Spring River, nice. Then another hickory needed major reduction, soon that one was done. We got a late start, but turned in a nice Rebel Tree Care day.

            My four wheel drive is back in action. This eases a lot of stuff like hauling chips and accessing steep or soft areas. Everybody is like “hey, good2 c u working again,” but I’m like I’ve been working all along, just out of a van. No matter what I work in, I deliver top quality tree work. I’m the man. In the tree.

Don’t know the latest buzz on the election. I’m sure Obama will squeeze out a one percent victory, if the repos don't out and out steal it again. The one percent won’t vote4 him. Well, maybe. Maybe they will consider that their grandchildren may go swimming. If the Republicans win big 4get about the EPA. Water quality will plummet. First Amphibians will disappear, then there will be no swimming in, or smoking near, water ways. Water ways are over journal veterans.

It started when they drained the swamps on the Atlantic Seaboard/ New Jersey. The Delaware's must have seen the devastation, the disruption from their river flowing through Pennsylvania and Delaware. Swamps and Wetlands disappeared 4ever. The Delaware came 2 this area, 2 Eleven Point river just north of Spring River. They left sign no one knows about but me and Willow. It’s a depiction of a famous pictograph, an etching on stone sitting upright in a creek bed. There is  a photo @ Rebel River Adventures[stone art I have found.

I think I could find that one again. Willow could. She found it originally. She is quite the hiker. Long limbs, fluid movement. She stirs me. I better stop now. Rub myself. I’m in pain. I must love it, I don’t just get cheery4 this journal. I really am irrepressible.

            So call me. Life goes on. Why didn’t I fish 2day when I had some downtime? Just4 a little while. I didn’t even walk down2 the dock and touch the water as I  have always done. I did pause and exalt the river, if that’s the word. 4me work is prayer. As such I do need2 watch the language.

            So it’s flat tire day 2moro. Get spares in order, get some fixed. Check wiring and lights. Headlamp and fuses. Feet on the ground2 moro. Well, that’s wat I thought 2day was, suddenly the Power Company is like, meet us there in one hour. So I’m rushing around2 get lunch and anything else, I don’t like being rushed on an iffy removal. Things calmed down when it hit the ground, everything else, the pruning, climbing, was more safe in some ways, more stable… I guess I’m more tired than I thought. Peace.

October 29 2012

Hard ride winds down. Quiet afternoon. LALA sings so pretty across the way, rehearsing a new song sounds like. Sounds like an angel. With a soulsy voice.

            Early this morning found me in Western Cherokee country. Out by the South golf course. Two red declining red oaks with cracks and shaky bases. @ stake was two houses and a fence. And telephone communications box.

            My truck is back in action, that was nice, we brought a load of chips back, and dropped off the wood@ as a favor.

            Numerous errands and projects are keeping me busy. Free time I grab my detailed map and plan a conquest of a river.

            I hope2 get a jam in this week. EROSION is restless.

            I want2 hit a river, get lost. Take beer. Fish. I have a NOAH weather radio now! I mean I already had one, I got it out and cleaned it up. I will take my time this time. No upstream finishes4 me any more. I mean Hardy Beach2 Griffin’s Park I might pull off if it feels good. That’s Elgin on the Black River as opposed2 Saffel on Strawberry, More gas, further from home each day. The Black River runs west until Black Rock than more south, but it must have flowed toward the sun, Cherokee must have plyed it’s waters @ night, that may indeed be the origin of the name of Black. Or maybe it was the runoff from forest fires in the Ozarks. Or maybe escaped slaves, black slaves, had a community.

            Cary Arkansas is just east of Etowah, which sets near the junction of the Saint Francis River, and the Little Saint Francis River. Etowah means two towers or high tower, there is a town called drag over, caraway means carry way I’ll wager, Bay and Lake City have no water. Carry and Drag would have been what u did in the area, traveling by canoe you would slide into Crow Lee’s Ridge,   A very thin area of the Ridge is extreme southern Craighead County, Cary Arkansas. That would have been a shorter portage most likely. Or least extreme as far as lifting or dragging canoes. Maybe a mule pulled many canoes a couple hundred yards. I’m thinking less than that.

            Boydsville has interesting topography, Directly east of Spring River, over near Paragould. Those wrinkles on the topo mean pretty creek enclaves there deep in Crow Lee’s Ridge. Those might have survived the Earthquakes @ first @ least. Close2 the epicenter, but those Quakes lasted over a year. That’s mind boggling. I understate the duration of the New Madred earthquakes drastically in my novel Water Spider. That's why it’s free. It takes years2 perfect this stuff, and I’m basically evolving on line,

U have a brain cam into the head of an immature baby boomer. A crazed blue jay killer who scares young children and glares disapprovingly when cornered. And that’s the up side. I’m down with bitches and ho’s yo c I got mad sensitivity skills and sexual what not. I know all about women and PMS is a myth. There is no PMS. And I hid your cigarettes. The C word comes2 mind. Now I know how Strippers and hookers stay in business

October 26 2012

Cold windy dawn. Fall is here. This will strip leaves from trees, maybe the creeks will come up, we got quite a bit of rain last night. I have2 go2 the court house, get my truck licensed, assess, pay up, This is worse than Russia.

            Russia sux, u have2 wait in line 4 moldy bread, and their assassins can’t shoot. Hundreds of them can’t kill Rambo or even Rocky, Arny, Archie or Reggie. They could have a clear shot@ Chris Rock on stage and would miss. Probably the vodka.

            I like it cold. I hope my mom is warm. It is time2  get my Willow stocked up with good wood. I have her many months piled around her property, but splitting and stacking will take some doing.

            I have a real good start on next week as far as Rebel Tree Care goes.

            EROSION: I have a drummer and we know my set. Big news: LALA is set2 make a video in Los Angeles California! And then her and I assume MIKE do a tour of the gulf coast! Go GRAY my friends, go GRAY.

            Panadox. Nothing in the works right now, however as it cools down I will have giant screen showings of video in my shop.

            Rebel Word. I research the history of the Arkansas colony, territory, and state2 tweak my story of the Arkansas Cherokee.

            Rebel River adventures: I study maps of Black River each day, planning multi day canoe trip4 Bonny and I.

            I figure THE MIKE GRAY BAND plays Copper Feather this weekend. It’s time2 bust loose 2moro night. But 2nite I have a hot date w/ Willow. I am focused on this fact. I will get2 her. I will hold her. I will love her. That’s life.

October 25 2012

Sweet hard rain this early evening. It started up just @ dark as we were leaving a good job. Early on I was high in a white oak over a house with a new roof. Major reduction cuts, tricky rigging and lowering over wires and the house. On 2 a large gnarly post oak, another major reduction way over the house, deck, gas tank, air conditioner, etc. Oh yeah, first thing was a red oak next2 the house, a removal, turns out it had a rotten base. On2 another post oak over the house, and a large dead hickory over a shed. A blackjack got a tuck2. Nice long hard Rebel Tree Care job, the kind I like, the kind the others can’t do. Don’t do. Will never do. ANSI standard. The savior of this sorry industry.

            I turned some friends on2 firewood, that worked out better4 everyone.

            The clients watched in amazement all day. They were appreciative and enthusiastic about my work. I don’t mind working under a microscope, then u c all the little things I do as a competent residential arborist, like using a pole saw, the others don’t even carry them usually. Chumps working down the street, cheesy pruning, root zone disruption, routine mal practice. Bait and switch. BulL**** walks.

October 24 2012

As I research the Old Settler Cherokee I’m struck by how yellow journalism played a large part in splintering and destruction of Native Nations. The Quapaw were most obvious victims of the practice here in Arkansas. Though the state lagged far behind as far as number of slaves and money holdings of white European descendants, schools and farms, etc., we did have newspapers and real towns in Little Rock and Hot Springs, even Fort Smith. But whites were killed if venturing into the Ozarks without Native sanction. The northern half of Arkansas was Native controlled until after the earthquake. The Osage held strong claim. Cherokee in Northeast Arkansas slowly encroached, there existed precarious balance between tribe and magistrate, warrior and merchant. The Quapaw had assimilated French, Spanish, and American as weakened tribe.

            But the trend in slave lusting states was2 belittle native Americans and whet hatred through Newspapers. New Orleans used the tactics2 drive Jews out. German colonies established slave free farming communities and did well. But the Yellow Journalism thing, it’s been used many times against blacks and Mexicans also, then Hemp and Marijuana, communists, Muslims, swift boating of John kerry by Fox2 help Draft Dodger Bush. Fox continues the tradition of division and false witness, stirring the melting pot unwisely.

            Larry King held this big third party debate I caught some of.  Everybody was like hell yeah, Legalize pot, it’s not near as dangerous as alcohol and tobacco. This Green Party chick was like, “release non violent pot offenders now.” Then she volunteered the word hemp, @ last I’ve now heard a politician say it, 2 bad she’ll get less than one percent of the vote, and that’s in California.

            But she was like, “Let’s get rid of vested interests controlling congress by legalizing Hemp. Basically all but one of these five or so third party candidates had a compelling reason they would legalize weed and hemp. Amazing.

`           Northeast Arkansas was a swamp. Major swamp drainage took place in a few years, notably the red river was cleared of a blockage, similar happenings took place on the white, black and St francis water ways. This dropped the water levels down similar present day after decades, even centuries of wetland. Plus the earthquake changed the topography drastically, Epicentered almost exactly @ the Western Cherokee Capital, this killed many Cherokee and destroyed settlements, disrupted migration of Cherokee n2 Arkansas. Cherokee and Osage would war over White River, and the Three Forks area @ the Arkansas/Oklahoma line many years after.

            But4 a time I believe Cherokee village, well back from the White River watershed, Well south of the white mans line between Missouri and Arkansas, with cliffs perfect4 defending against horse mounted warriors, this land of rock shelf and laughing water, was, 4 short times @ least, a place where Cherokees knew peace.

     WrongKnee and Obama had a "debate." They agreed on everything, kissing and hugging all night. Obama actually said aloud that he wished Mittens could b his running mate. Michelle and Ann got drunk @ the press junket and shared a lesbian kiss4 the cameras.

October 23 2012

Hot afternoon. We got2 a job in Cherokee Village this morning and just as we pulled up rain started splattering on the windshield and roof. 4 about 5 seconds. Then it was time2 get2 work. A huge red oak had me worried, it leaned and had hollow spots, I was loathe2 rig and lower the heavy top, I hemmed and hawed, examining from different angles, and decided2 remove just a few branches, and take my chances from the ground. @ stake was a nice paved driveway, a dogwood, primary and secondary electric wires and a little bitty hickory. Nothing was damaged, except some dead knocked out of the dogwood, Perfect drop after some rigging and lowering of some branches. The wires missed by inches. The chips graced a construction project in Highland.

            I’ve been busy, building my mothers roof. I did trim a post oak and hickory over a roof last week. Life is good. My four wheel drive is ready, I will be @ full strength again. Just in time4 winter.

October 17 2012

Soft ride easing down. Now will come the awakening. The realization. The fourth great awakening. Strength in numbers is incorrect in motto. The one percent rules. No rules4 the one percent. Ninety nine people in a room. One tells them all2 heal or fetch as ordered2 whim. It’s barely legal slavery.

            There was a great awakening here just prior2 the Earthquakes of 1811-1812. Tecumseh, a great Shawnee, barn stormed the country preaching of Tribal Unity. Shawnees key ally of Cherokee, shared many favors and much knowledge. True, Shawnee had profited from slave wars with or against Cherokee, Deleware turncoated at times but shared much knowledge, Unaffiliated whites in the Ozarks killed upon trespass. All knew of a secret strength.

`           Chickasaw thwarted, English fort sheltered cunning swamp sailors. French and Spanish natives of the region married into tribes, Mingo came2. The Osages held strong @ this point. Progressives and accomodationists back east rejected Tecumseh4 the most part, Red Stick Creeks must have come to Arkansas, also many Choctaws assimilated into Quapaw remnants and French or Spanish natives. Or dutch, and there is a good chance Germans were in the state then. They were alcohol and slave free. Prohibitions on rum and liquors were frequently attempted with the blessings of local magistrates in colonial Arkansas, and most times with support of Native leaders of any tribe.

            Yes, native  coalition, I believe based here in Cherokee Village Arkansas was poised2 hold a huge territory, repel or control any white homesteaders, establish sovereign native government, enter and enforce treaty and border. Then bam, the worst earthquakes ever begin2 hit and continue2 do so4 over a year. They were not epicentered here in Sharp County, but two counties away, about one hundred miles directly east, the heart of Western Cherokee country.

            @this point Cherokee  in the Sharp County area was in trouble. There was no home ground2 retreat2. All semblance of grand trading post and thriving native village on Saint Francis River destroyed, any trek2 family on the Tennessee river now strewn with unfamiliar landmarks, whole new lake and sunKlands, and strewN catastrophe wreckage many years. Prophecy had cursed Cherokee again, again most moved away, this time2 texas and Oklahoma. Sure, Cherokee and Osage would “war” over White River, but the writing was on the wall, between the lines of the talking leaves.

            So Cherokee here might have made it a go4 a while after the Earthquake. There was report of the old Spanish road being blocked from an avalanche after the earthquake. I think Cherokee who built dams here would have little trouble faking an avalanche. Cherokees would move through continually prolly until after the trail of tears twenty five years l8r.

            Story goes a beautiful Cherokee girl fell ill on the trail of tears @ Salem. A white man from Chicago or Texas fell in love with her. He was very rich, and bought most of Spring River between Mammoth Spring and Hardy. He died soon after I believe it went, and she out lived a couple more husbands, mothering many strong sons. These men became owners of huge tracts of land at birth, adult pioneers in the eyes of the federal government.

October 16 2012

Step it up a notch. Take it2 another level. Tree service. Non standard pruning is wrecking our Urban Forest. And root zone disruption. Protecting the tree. Preventing injury, disruption, decline, death. Stress becomes strain. And nonstandard pruning does more harm than u know. Spikes. Stubs. Flush cuts. Not2 mention lesser violations of ANSI standard. Long term damage.

            And u have people who insist on non standard work. An arbortist should connect with people as part of the essence of urban tree care. On that account, Alan Williams of Rebel Tree Care. Pause4 dramatic effect. Failed.

            As America and the world dumb it down standards will fail. Government deregulation will allow cowboys and harley riders2 butcher trees and multiconglomorates2 pour raw pollution n2 streams. Job Creators. Don’t worry. They will have2 dredge it all out of the creek someday, strip mining the funky colored clay4 a new play doh strain. Until the Governor’s grandchild plays with it AND get’s sick. Or goes swimming and dissolves.

            Cherokees can barely swim in the Illinois river because of the heavy chicken litter on fields adjacent2 the river upstream from Cherokee homes and reservation. Fertilizer detrimental2 the river as it washes in during rain storms. Fertilizer for growing hay. 2feed cows. Who eat special growth hormone feed, or not, and when they crap unnatural enzymes and proteins wreak havoc in ways we cannot understand. And will not, if the beef industry has their way. They will confuse and descredit2 keep gray masses @ bay. I’ve seen it. Grass roots level. Even Oprah had trouble bitching about beef.

             A little known law from ancient Texas forbids food disparagement. So when Oprah says something like, or not like, “boycott beef, the planet needs it, grow hemp instead,” she gets sued under the Texas Food Disparagement act and can’t speak her mind. Freedom of speech indeed. @ least blogging is still sacred.

            We won’t have any buffer zones by rivers and lakes because then u can’t c the water, and no one will no u are sipping wine on a million dollar deck. If ur flipping the real estate cut everything off it. Every stitch of vegetation. That’s how the game is played by shakers and movers. Cut it. Burn it. Act important.

October 15 2012

Quiet dusk in Rebel country. Tired. Installing a roof4 my mother. Hopefully I can get it done in the next few days. And then maybe hit a river many days. Chillax, in some ways, but survival becomes paramount. I’m not taking much food. I plan on fishing a lot, taking my time, making my way, the only way I know how. And that’s just a little bit more, than the law will allow…

            Violence escalating. Turkey, Syria, Africa, Russia… Lindsey Lohan’s.

            WrongKnee blamed Obama and Bill Clinton, he called4 stricter sanctions on organically grown vegetables, more prisons and harsher penalties4 non violent recreational pot smokers in states where it was still illegal, more pollution, and greater inequality of income. He smugly called4 real balance in media, claiming Fox news sets the standard for equality and fairness in reporting. He hired Tom Delay, Jack Abramoff, Oliver North, and H.R. Haldeman of Watergate fame, anticipating many scandals and indictments should he be elected. “I’m still fairly young, “ he ruminated on Facebook, “should my administration be riddled with graft, illegal espionage, misleading or false intelligence, and bungled drug or weapon operations, I might still be on the hook after two terms. I won’t benefit from Alzheimer’s like Reagan when they were thinking about popping him4 Iran/Contra. And Bob Dole was gonna be dead when they figured out he set up 9/11. "

            Darryl Issa, head of a huge drug running operation and recipient of numerous conflicts of interest, tweeted, “Republicans  go2 church. Democrats r godless heathenS intent on destroying civilization. We must elct Romney and save America4 the upper class. I am the solution man. And the solution2 every single problem? Get rid of Obama.”

            Ann Coulter, mega cunt, claimed democrats were stupid and lazy, that liberals would have us all healthy and prosperous, and that citizens of the United States loyal2 a black president were racist.”

            Paul Ryan laughed when asked if he expected thousands of poor people2 die if his plan was implemented. “U have no idea,” he grinned impishly, “Remember AIDS? That was mine." He held a syringe high in the spotlight,  “I have invented a virus that kills only the poor and uninsured. They refuse2 work4 minimum wage, and as Vice President I will c that Four ninety five be reinstated as the mandatory national minimum wage. And six dollars will be instated as the maximum wage a grunt can make. Sure, they’ll trample a few roses in protest, but we must weather the coming storm, stand tall in our bay windows, shout out from our escalades, we will over drive, good God almighty above, we will overdrive.”

October 12 2012

Rain. Nice and cold. Wonderful sound of rain drops on my tin roof. 2nite it’s homecoming4 the Rebels. I have a crew going with me up 2 raise hell. Put funny hats on. I may wear a bandana TUPAC style. Jump and down2 try and stay warm. Eat hot dogs. Check out chicks. Sell drugs. Just kidding, it’s a school zone. Just kidding again, I’ ve never sold drugs. Seventy Nine was a wild year though.

            Seventy Eight was wild2. I started the 1978 Senior High District Championship Game as a ninth grader. Made some nifty plays. I mean the dynasty was Jay Hansen. I was doomed2 live in his shadow. He was a first team all stater in two sports. Incredible. He and his brothers were the hearts and souls of many a championship run@ Highland. The Rebels.balled.

            I gave Shelby my coat I got reconditioned. All the patches reconditioned. It was spectacular. I don’t know if she wears it or not. I was on some great teams, albeit many times as a regularly used substitute. I was the starting tailback in seventh grade, but then Ed French moved2 town, starting in eighth grade on the junior high team. I think I was on the kickoff team. We one district. I started on one of Highland best ever defenses as s ninth grader. Me, Ed French, Terry Jamieson, we didn’t play in the ninth grade games in baseball, we played on the Senior High Team. Ed started the last half of the season, I played some big minutes, and Terry took over as starting catcher by late season.

            Guys like Malcolm “coon” Long. Roger Nicholson. Stone. A group of sophomores destined2 win state the next year and also every basketball and football title short of state championships. The class of eighty were the champions, my friend.

            I kind of let my coach Sam Hill down. I am ashamed2 this day. I missed a tackle. The only tackle I ever missed in a real game . Nothing bad happened, the guy was demolished by my larger friends. But things were never the same. Coach Joe Sample confronted me with film running. Coach John Katrosh sat in sober disapproving judgment. Coach hill pale, like he had seen a ghost. He could no longer convince the other coaches2 give me a shot, The fact that I had never allowed a score or missed a tackle in junior high was meaningless now. Someone else would take my spot on the kickoff team, and I would quietly quit football @ the end of the year.

            We should have slow pitch football. Pads. Helmets. Over water. Hot chicks bouncing on trampolines wet. Or no sports @ any level nation wide until war is stopped.

Recycle yo. Peace. Out. Al.

October 9 2012

 Quiet late evening in Highland. Except 4 one pathetic, incessant blue jay that will be dead soon.  I have had a long day. A beautiful dawn @ Willow Ford, eastern sky a breathtaking pink and blue, fog lifting off Spring river…

            Then it was over2 Cherokee Village, immediately trimming crepe myrtle, peach, maple, rose of Sharon, Holly. Holly, Sharon and Myrtle are three of my favorite girls. I got n2 spirea, redbud, cedar, privet, prolly some elm and several others unidentified or forgotten4 now. Oh yeah, We dropped 2 big dead red oaks n2 the woods. Big morning.

            Then it was across the village, it takes a village uno, on the banks of beautiful Southfork River. I got into two tall cedars combing and trimming, and removing two others. The folks have a nice pile of cedar chips2 lay on the walking path, and in a small way, that will help the river. Big day. Tired.

            WrongKnee called 4 more arms2 Syrian Rebels. He’s on the band wagon now that it is certain Assad is gone. WrongKnee called4 war on Iran in a veiled statement, insinuated Israel was weak on special forces, and blamed Canada for escalating tensions in Palestine. He invited the king of Oman2 play poker and shot a starter pistol 2ward Russia.

            Then u got Republican state representative Jon Hubbard of Jonesboro saying blacks were better off as slaves in the U.S. than free in Africa. He also said blacks were using government handouts4 their livelihood, and that segregated schools dumbed it down4 blacks. Jon Hubbard, surprisingly, is black. Lol. Kidding. He is lilly white.

            Then u got republican legislator Charles Fuqua claiming all Muslims must be kicked out of the United States, and that, u can’t make this up, the death penalty should be applied 2 rebellious children. Maybe Batesville candidate Charles Fuqua is a closet Muslim Faggot.

            Republican Loy Mauch who claims public education was forced upon us 2 destroy conservatism, called Abraham Lincoln a terrorist, defended slavery, but he is the pro job creator, anti regulation candidate, read: dumb ass shill4 big pollution.

            Then u got republican senate candidate in West Virginia John Reese, foe of the EPA. This prick built a golf course without getting permits. He cut off the water 2 others downstream, completely changed the topography in the worst violation in his districts history. Those pesky clean water regulations again. Damn the EPA and the Army engineers. He will remove all that if elected. So will any other Repoblican. On that issue alone I’m against them.

            All of these stories were in this mornings Arkansas Democrat/Gazette. And they don’t lean2 the left. And neither does the national media. That’s another big lie cooked up by Fox News and their huge pollution masters.

            2nite it’s EROSION in house. Loud. Proud. Hungry. We will rock the cradle, smoke on the water, strawberry skies, tire tracks across the back. Train coming off the track. Rumbling train, rumbling bad boys, get ready2 rumbling, rambling preambles and intros. Listen carefully Cherokee Village. We’re coming2 effn get u.

October 8 2012

Nice day in Highland. This morning was Monday morning. But things went well. First thing I was up a large declining double white oak over a garage. That was on the ground soon. On2 a large red oak w a rotten base. @ stake were a new fence, wires, and other trees. That one split and dropped a little the wrong way, damage narrowly avoided. Then a very large double red oak by a feeder, wires, and the fence. Soon that one was down. A little chipping, Saul Goode.

            2moro it’s Cherokee Village. Large dead red oaks and a whole bunch of small stuff, natural pruning purple plum, Rose of Sharon, Crepe Myrtle, holly, redbud….My kind of job. Rebel Tree Care. Reports of my demise are premature.

            WrongKnee Jerk downplayed the improving economy and jobs numbers. “You have2 go back2 b4 he took office, look @ the big picture. My party caused what recovery has taken place, by banning abortion and insisting on merging church and state, and of course bullying gays. Marriage is a sacred union. Divorce is a sacred institution. Gay divorce is an abomination of the holy bonds between one man and several young girls.”

            Turkey and Syria on the verge of war. Peace marchers in Pakistan protesting U.S, drone strikes. Common knowledge is that relentless drone strikes are causing anti U. S, fever2 ramp up even more. This is not making America safer. Terrorist acts, down in the continental U.S., have increased ten thousand fold abroad, thanks 2 our war on terror. The solution. Legalize Hemp and recycle. Not a joke.

            There is a vast conspiracy2 keep hemp and medical marijuana illegal. Billionaires hire the finest brain washers money can buy, gifted propagandaists who learned by convincing congress that there was no conclusive prove that tobacco causes cancer. Or that alcohol ever caused a death. That animal farms don't foul streams... The evils of pot, the evils of non whites. The evils of music. The sanctity of lobbying and wall street. Evils of gays. Godliness of fine print. Divide and conquer. Canadiens r next.

``          The world champion Saint Louis Cardinals are defending the crown.

            LALA and MIKE did a big show in Jonesboro opening4 38 SPECIAL. They had a big show the night b4 2. Playing 4 thousands. And the people r n2 it. Go LALA and MIKE.

October 6 2012

Rain. Soft. Gentle thunder. Not much of either. My ears are ringing from EROSION. We got loud n proud. Closed rehearsal. By closed rehearsal I mean only half of the distractions: visitors, phone calls, drama, hot chicks…My fingers are sore. But I have the secret weapon if I was in a hot gig and my fingers hurt… a little super glue. And there is always the metal pick.

            Rebel Word… Blogging… I keep tweaking Water Spider, and prolly will 4 some time…As I learn more and more in depth of the inner workings of the Arkansas Colony under French and Spanish “control.” This was the wild west b4 the wild west was the wild west.

            Rebel River Adventures… always ready2 hit a river many days.

            Panadox. As it cools down I will show huge screen in my shop as we party or jam.

Rebel Tree Care…On the job, ever ready2 get er dun. Legitimate, qualified residential arborist on staff… me. Rare. ANSI standard…

            I look@serious stuff. I mean the situations vary greatly each job. Soon I will have operated as a legitimate residential arborist for a quarter of a century. That ‘s a lot of history. Steeled and branded a tree man, I have been tried by fire and found true. Posers and Pretenders beware…U cannot persevere. I’m a hard tree man, u r not better, I am the last word on the subject. ANSI Standard. Silence.

            I need2 inspect root zones. Get aggressive in promoting smart landscaping and green zones, buffer zones, stabilization zones. Specialize in prevention of problems, because remedies are hard2 come by once a tree starts2 go. But nobody wants advice from me, it will complicate things slightly concerning bull dozers and heavy equipment, storm water containment and Best Management Practice’s. I believe in utilizing natural spaces, islands and corners, unfortunately the trend is squares. Take it down2 clay mud in a forty acre square, burn and destroy all substances native, sluice the water during storms away @ full speed. Make sure the runoff is bright red from the clay. One bad management practice can turn a river from green2 brown quickly. Seriously, Some rivers have little disturbance, stay green even during rain, And. Then. U. C. Where. A non Best Management Practice construction site runs off into the river. A curving orange slick fading brown as it curves into the purer green. Slowly sweeps into mocha mix .

            This kills macroinvertabrates and fish depending on Ozark streams 2 stay pure. Tiny gills clog. Whole ecosystems r destroyed. Then u got cattle ranches, hayfields crumbling into the river, enzymes and steroids, pesticides and herbicides, all these are washed into the river, Hayfields offer little filter4 these unnatural chemicals and elements causing @ the very least an unnatural bloom of algea2 suck oxygen levels low4 fish.

            I’M Thinking with all the wild pigs getting closer, we should start seeing more mountain lions and bears. I would think they and wolves would follow along with the influx of wild pigs.  I want2 shoot one. Whack that pig dead.

October 3 2012

Quiet afternoon in Highland. I need some chillaxin big time. We went over 2 the other side of Salem this morning, a really big loblolly pine stood right by a vacation home. A little topping and dropping, meticulous rigging2 narrow it up, and a good pull brought it down nicely. We diced it and chipped  a little, moving around front a very large red oak sat very near the front of the house. @ issue were extremely reaching branches, an interfering gum, corners of the house, and dangling storm damage all over the roof. After some preparation, we got it down, dicing it up was no small feat, and soon some of it was chipped. The rest is the homeowner’s responsibility. Ain’t no thing4 a Mississippi man.

            Then we had a blowout on the trailer. So that was a roadside fiasco yada yada. @ least it’s not hot. Changing flats out in hot weather sux it.

            I’m focused on getting2 Willow 2nite. Eyes on the prize.

            EROSION  scheduled4 2moro nite. Closed rehearsal. Supposedly. I hope that goes through. Talkative partiers always wanting attention every single break in any song is tiresome. I mean I can always turn it up louder, using the metal pick with a hateful gaze in my eyes. But they don’t get it. Whatever.

            Obama set2 destroy WrongKnee Jerk 2nite in the debate. Bitch Mittens will misrepresent, mis quote, misunderstand, miss the point. He will preen and pose, falsely appear folksy, switch2 authoritarian, presidential war monger. Hemp will not b mentioned. Subsidies2 big oil has blown over. The war/propaganda machine will smirk smugly. Their grandchildren will have no problems. If the planet still exists.

            Their Wardens and troopers will live in fine McMansions owned by banks. They will smoke pot, imprison pot smokers, they will buy hookers or get them free, they will imprison others4 the same. They will falsify and classify, That is how the game is played. You know the druggies r gonna lie is they see a weakness. Just like the “blue dog” Dumocrats that sell out”@ the last minute2 make sure an atrocity is commited or subsidy appropriated.

            And this whole tea party thing. We should recycle. I feel guilty 4 not insisting on Bio Diesel. Not even consulting my mechanic or looking n2 it. Maybe I will ride more. Get back into mountain bike shape. No spandex. And no WEEZER.

            I have lost friends from bumming. Uno the type. Always bums. 4 years. And when confronted instead making @ least a modicum of reprisal if that’s the right word, u don’t c them again? They suddenly don’t want2 party w u? They bcome one person, this greedy pac man with no serenity. Then u got narcs cruising face book, porno bitches like MysPace had. Hi. I . Inga. Me likey u profile. U look sexy husband pic. Click on, u won’t ever exit. Don’t even bother. Your computer will be completely seized. Weird, neither virus or Trojan, get it, Trojan? I do. I think.

            I will persevere. I’ve a yen2 try my wet suit finally. Wear my wool socks and river sandals. Shoot high falls, get used2 the suit in case I’m on Current and it gets freaky cold or something. I’m hoping the river levels come back up. I want2 do something w Crowbar where people from Nashville and Memphis go hunting  with MIKE, LAUREN, and Crowbar. Then a special outdoor show, campfire acoustics. Get TED NUGENT, or JAKKYL, not sure I want a high powered rifle in JESSE DUPREE’S hands.

            Like if .38 SPECIAL wanted2 get n2 some Arkansas deer woods and catch a few trouts, they could hang out, A lodge in Mammoth Spring might be used, Or Highland. I personally would like groups interested in floating three different extraordinary resource waterways in three days. Large groups, Maybe a raft, a bunch of kayaks, ten purple canoes, and some silver ones2. Music show @ put out. When do we put out u say? U put out whenever u choose. But put out. Definitely put out. If u can’t make it, I’ll head back up stream and find u.

            What I;m trying2 do now is taking the bass and the dog, with all the gear, and the extra gear. But there is a solution. Aluminum canoe. Bigger. Stronger. Uncut. Room4 the warm gear, the great white yeti, all the other stuff, and still take the bass, and Bonnie. She is a Catahoula, smallish, and takes2 boat travel well, not a huge problem. But the bass. The only way is build a shell around it. But I’m trying2 come out of my shell.

            I do have a harmonica now though. I’m thinking of taking that up next trip. Mega less hassle, similar effect, desolation music. Alone on the prairie type stuff. I think I’ll pack heat. Budget cuts mean fewer marshals and rangers. But I’ll prolly get drunk and shoot it, prolly not smart. Self protection only, I mean I have Bryan’s sharp machete ready 2 b quick drawn should I come face2 face with a cotton mouth. But that is rare, in all of my river shenanigans, I ‘ve only encountered a few aggressive poisonous snakes

            Swimming upstream in a deserted stretch down stream of Willow Ford I saw a cotton mouth headed from the hay field side2 the cliff and brush side that could have pulled a skier. If that thing had turned 2ward me I’d of been a goner. Journal veterans may recall a massive cottonmouth on Strawberry. 2 be known ever after as Strawberry Cottonmouth.

            One night I drove up2 Hardy Beach with softball buddies at 2 Am, intent on a drunken swim, @ the boat ramp our headlights showed a big ass cottonmouth in no hurry2 leave. I sprinted 2ward him with an aluminum baseball bat and dove into the water thrashing @ him but narrowly missed. Thank you God above4 sending that cotton mouth on it’s way.

            Then u got nonpoisonous snakes 4 quite a scare. They look dull gray like cottonmouths until they shed their skin, then they resemble copperheads. But they do not concern me it’s that super rare encounter with the cotton mouth I try 2 avoid nowadays. A copperhead got a guy on Current River last year. Crawled into his tent. But4 His grace there go I. I’m really tall, and have slept with a tent unzipped many times.

            Maybe the entire length of Eleven Point, @ my leisure. Is next. Cheaper on gas. Stay tuned.

October 2 2012

Nice afternoon in Highland. Golden/ Sweet morning. We could c a mile on a hill just behind Cherokee Village. A grand old post oak had given up in its fight against people and disruption. The disruption was only a yard, but it contributed 2 this giant’s death. We pulled it over, narrowly missing other trees and the house and deck.. No damage. Quick job, I diced it up a little 4 them, zipped the stump, the rest is their problem.

            This was our Monday on Tuesday, but things went well. First toss with the throwball went perfect, everything peachy. I did get the saw pinched a little, but some rockn and sockn pulled it out. Back 2 the house early I set2 work on flat tires and the like, piddling with vehement expedience. Fall is in the air. Even though it feels like it might get ninety 2day.

            Now I must do some Wal Mart action. And jam 2nite prolly. Closed rehearsal hopefully. Time4 EROSION   2 step it up a notch. And then we can get back2 the good times with all my drummer’s friends. D1 and I have a lot of mutual friends, we’re close2 the same age, went2 the same school. We are similar in disposition and habit. But I am seven foot tall and he is five. So we have the Mutt and Jeff thing 2 get over b4 we can b taken seriously as a band. And we r serious. Except that our first cover may be Hell Hole by SPINAL TAP.

            Unrest. Violence. Sexual inequality. Assless chaps. And that’s @ Lindsey Lohan’s. Amanda Byrnes did a hit and run. She texted Lindsey that night2 get the finer points of hit and run, c if she had missed anything.  She accidentally posted on Charlie Sheen’s facebook, “What’s upchuck? I think I got all the blood off the headlights like you said, but OMG I found a finger in the side view mirror.” Paris Hilton’s model citizen boyfriend was in a scuffle with Papparazzi, he broke his nose, now he is broke and homeless.

            Rebel Tree Care on tap 2moro. Huge trees. Stay tuned.

October 1 2012

Wind. Russian punk band PUSSY RIOT imprisoned4 requesting a different lawyer. They r appealing. 2me, probably not2 u. Georgia is back in the news with unrest and protests. I guess the regular refs didn’t solve the Atlanta Falcons problems. Making tackles. Catching and running. When ur nearest neighbor’s college team can beat your pro team u got problems. Then u got Chechnya with sophisticated obsolete weapons. Not wanting 2 look like pussy’s, Bahrain imprisoned doctors caught treating wounded protestors. Not a joke.

            The 9 ball hurtles. Call your shots. Hit it easy. Leave it around the hole. Watch the white ball. Sink the black ball. Go2 the bank. Break it. Nice rack. Suck it back. Jump it. Scratch.

            I play two cue ball eight ball sometime. It’s a trip. U most always have a shot. Games go fast. I invented a dice and card game called War Machine. And I invented tournament Solitaire. Only I know the intricacies of these games.

            My truck may be getting fixed! It’ll be nice2 have the gray beast back. I got it in 98 or so, Hauled a hell of a lot of chips and wood out of Cherokee Village over those fourteen years. Made over fifty trips 2 Memphis with it. No air conditioner. But I did some soul searching, decided2 stick with it. I think I’ll park the big van4 the winter, drain the radiator and get the window rolled up. It’s pickup weather now. Firewood weather. I like2 haul stuff, like if I go c Willow many times a month, I like2 haul firewood or chips2 her or neighbors, it brings efficiency up. Then I have a smaller old chevy truck short wheel base that is capable of hauling a little2. I’m rambling. This is the equivalent of bringing the metal pick out when jamming @ a party. I am subjecting u 2 untested rant or music simply because I am slightly bored and have drank well over a twelve pack.

            That’s a joke. I am cold sober this early afternoon. And loving it. Piddle chores await. Tweaking gear4 this weeks tree jobs. My life is good again. Hitting on all cylinders. Back in the Saddle. Toys in the Problem Attic.

September 30 2012

And we roll this quiet Sunday morning. What a day yesterday. I left the arms of a beautiful woman and went2 work. After 2 rainouts I was fresh. I started off a bunch of ground work, just putting brush on the ground4 my ground man, thick privet off the house, still leaving it natural though, training northern magnolia, driveway clearance 4 a big maple, wire clearance 4 dogwood, redbud, mulberry, hackberry, maple, elm…Then it was up a mid sized hard maple over the roof, I found a codominant stem with included bark, major reduction there, it looks great, then a huge leaning hard maple over the house, major branches removed. Technical rigging and lowering on each. Nice morning4 Rebel Tree Care.

            I’ll be keeping the snow ball rolling. I have some large things 2do next week. I was looking@ one over in Salem yesterday, and we zig zagged back home on gravel roads all day, checking out possible river destinations and put ins. Lanton 2 Walking Stick road would be a nice day. Walking stick 2 heart. Heart 2 Slick Rock. Slick Rock2 Hardy. Hardy2 Ravenden. Ravenden2 Black Rock. All in all the Southfork Crossing. As in crossing the state line. Me and Bonny will rock that come spring.

            4 now I have2 get it 2gether. Vehicles. Winterizing. Keeping Blue Jays killed back while West nile is still a threat. And I will. Unless I get eye mites. I might do this I might do that.

    LALA and MIKE  played Bikes, Blues and Barbeque in Fayetteville last night. Next week they open4 .38 SPECIAL. in Jonesboro. Soon they do the Yonder Mountain Harvest Festival in Mulberry Arkansas. Sweet gigs.

I need2 ride. I need2 ride daily. But haven't been lately. I need2 jam. Loud. But will prolly jus pick the acoustic @ Willows. Play rock star. I sing 2 her... Lady Eagle Eyes... or AUDIO  SLAVE, SKID ROW, WHITESNAKE  and the like. We don't do WEEZER.

i sung TESLA and AUDIOSLAVE all day yesterday with an old football buddy. Baseball player. State Champ. We drove through Camp and Frenchtown on the aforementioned road trip. Epic. We even got some horseshoes in @ Slick Rock. I knocked a few leaves off the walnut tree with my famous rainbow toss. I scored a point or 2. Ed sucked @ hores shoes, but he was a four year starter in baseball, Three year starter in football, even outscored me on my high game in basketball in jujnior high. He scored eight points and I scored seven, I have the newspaper clipping  prove it. So I knew he could be dangerous with horse shoes. Anyway the acoustic can really keep my fingers in shape if I play it hard. And I do. Or @ least a long time. But leave my love life out of this.

September 28 2012

Nice rain out. Just a couple of minutes b4 my alarm it started hitting the roof. I got some much needed rest this morning. Not that I needed it 2 bad, this is two rain outs in a row. But EROSION has been jamming hard. Uh. Oh. I said has been. This is hard on me. We may be posting a Utube video soon and u can c what I’m talking about. My music is hard and takes energy, I am usually drained when we get done. And D1’s place is similar a bar or party setting, crazy drunk chicks, loud bull shitters, people passed out, distraction abound. On the one hand it keeps us from concentrating on our stuff, on the other it prepares us 4 real world gigs where all these things will be happening.

            Looks like another Saturday work. But that’s cool. I’ve got a declining maple, healthy maples over the home, and an arching, leaning walnut with no future. Good Rebel Tree Care awaits a dry morning.

            Panadox will be prominent on the utube video. I have found that videos r much more entertaining with video in the back ground. Even if the content is good, it often just seems stark and boring, a couple of guys in a bare room, etc, but with Panadox flickering and random in the back, it catches the eye and maybe draws u in. keeps us from surfing on 2 fast before the music even has time2 buffer and be heard.

Why do no history books or politicians, television stations, etc never ever even mention Hemp?

September 26 2012

Boo yah. Overcast this afternoon. It was hot early this morning a I started a larger job on Spring River in Hardy. I readied a dead hickory4 falling across a wire, but the power company didn’t show till much later so we got n2 some others. A tall dead ash near the cabin had2 be rigged and pulled across a creek. A tall dead hickory had2 b rigged and fell into the river bank. I trimmed cedar and redbud4 driveway clearance, small dead elms and redbuds in the mix. Then it was was up a massive white oak riverside. Although I was tied in @ “only” fifty feet, way up above the water like that made it seem much higher. I relieved that one of snags and dead, meticulous over a yard light and ancient stone walkway, metal hand railings and fine concrete work. Chipping and raking, lunch @ corner booth, and now I’m back@ the crib chillin.

            2moro is more good Rebel Tree Care. I’ll be trimming maple over the house, privet on the roof, walnut on the garage…

            I saw this thing in the Arkansas Democrat Gazette 2day about the bio fuel thing. Fighting4 corn. The in depth article never mentioned Hemp as a way out of our dependence on foreign oil, which it is; I don’t think I’ve ever heard an intelligent discussion of hemp on any television station or seen an article in any newspaper. The absolute silence on the subject is strange.

            So Obama gets a four point lead, he will not gamble with it. He and Bitch Mittens WrongKnee Jerk will debate ad nausea, never mentioning real solutions2 war and misery. Like hemp. They will mug and pose, always looking 4 a zinger or some muffed chance, one bungled line, one inappropriate smirk that could change the future of the world as we know it.

            Obama says bring the referees back. The NFL officials. I’ve seen the 2 blown calls everyone is pissed about, and regular refs could have easily made the same call. I think I remember plenty of controversy with the regular refs. Scott Walker says the unions are right, and threatened 2 fire the replacements if his beloved sh*t packers lose again. “I have always been on the side of unions,” he said @ a union meeting, shaking hands in a throng of union supporters.

September 25 2012

Beautiful day in the hood. We got 2 a fine home in Highland fairly early 4 us. A tall white oak needed topped2 avoid the house, gas tank, and garden. This wasn’t just any garden, the fencing was deer proof, electrified, tall, and many layered. The homeowner was loathe2 hit it. So we didn’t. Nice quick Rebel Tree Care job. 2moro we meet the power company 2 help us out on a larger job on Spring River.

            Yesterday was serious piddling. I have plenty2 do in that regard. And I can’t c hitting Current River4 7 days until I get my moms roof done. I don’t enjoy the river and fishing and stuff when I have chores hanging over my head. Well…not as much lol.

            So it’s maintain, operate slowly and carefully. 2nite it’s EROSION. D1 and WARREN in house. Getn loud. Pure rock. Rocky blues. Bluesy rock. I mean I don’t “pray bruisy,” like TONY SPINNER or MIKE GRAY, but EROSION has it’s own sound, it’s own songs, it’s own feel. All originals. Lately I’ve been singing along with AUDIOSLAVE, so I’m feeling good about my vocals 2nite. No WEEZER.

September 24 2012

Nice cool day. Sweet autumn canoe trip on Spring River yesterday. We got a little chilled l8 in the day but it was nice anyway. Just setting afloat is so sweet. Spring is down a little, not like other streams, that eight million gallons an hour, one of the biggest springs in the United States, makes sure it don’t dry up. But I’ve only seen it lower once, in 1980 there were more boulders showing dry and white. But just barely.

            I have plenty of tree work lined up! Trees are dying everywhere. Almost every single house u c has a dead tree. Dead trees fill in the spaces between proper pruning. Mulch could save many of these trees, but nobody does that. Recycling could save the planet, but nobody does that. Hemp could erase our dependence on foreign oil, bring peace2 the planet, but nobody knows that. A president has never spoken on Hemp as far a I can tell since George Washington told his slaves to “bring in a yard bushel of ‘emp 4 weaving a stave basket.” Another George, Bush, his life saved by Hemp when he baled out of an airplane and parachuted down, thanked Hemp by continuing the sinister conspiracy against this miracle plant so that a few wealthy industrialists and bankers continue 2 get rich @ the expense of the other ninety nine percent. Think I’m wacko. We’re all wacko 4 accepting the lies and  manipulations @ face value. Decriminalize industrial hemp now. Hemp and marijuana have been demonized by demons long enough. Wake up world. Out bed is on fire.

            Lookn 4ward2 gettn loud this week. D1 in house. EROSION. Don’t bother knockin.

    So the end of the most brutal summer comes. Time2 stock firewood and go2 a football game. Start piddling more. Change. Try 2 change. Grow. Mature.yeah right.

September 22 2012

Nice day on Spring River. A dead red oak over a house and patio, Japanese maples and old rock walls. Right on the banks of prime trout and bass water. I was able2 rig from other trees, and that made it mega safer, I was not worried as a ascended and descended several times4  various reasons pertaining2 rigging and lowering. Good folks from Nashville Tennessee. No damage. A good solid Saturday.

            Looks like a canoe trip 2moro. It should be pushing ninety. Clear. This will rock. A good late season trip makes us all appreciate what we have. I do do fall and winter trips, but late summer rocks. Wait/ It's fall now. Fall rocks.I look back on some late summer or Indian summer trips in the nineties and whenever. Good stuff.

            So I’m paying bills. Willow is warm. My fingers are tough from jamming. I’m living right and healthy as a horse. Chillaxin4 now. Peace.

September 21 2012

Hard rain this dawn. Hard lightning. Spectacular, ripping, booming thunder in conjunction. Down pour. Sweet. I love2 write in a storm. And other things. EROSION in house last night Rough and tumble. Train coming off the rail. Washer off the track. Good day yesterday, now it is time 4 all good arborists 2 piddle. I have2 work 2moro. And maybe Sunday. Git er dun.

            I’m not sleeping well. Live music and the accompanying circus keeps me grinding my teeth in my sleep, no we don’t do meth. My drummer has it going on socially. But it lets us vent out stuff on2 unsuspecting visitors. They always love Cyclops. That’s our hit.

            So it’s prepare more 2day. Make sure I’m ready2 get it done. Tweak my gear. Plan it out. Visualize. Mentally prepare…Get rest, await my Willow.  .REBEL COVE               continue

This letter was published in the Arkansas Democrat Gazette on earth day 2005(friday april22)